December 26, 2012

Merry christmas! My christmas nails: ANNY - Art of Pearls

Merry christmaaaaaaaaaas! I hope everyone is enjoying their christmas days and spending it with the people they love. For my christmas nails I used the ANNY - Art of Pearls set. It has 3 bottles: a black basecoat, the pearls and topcoat, an easy little guide that shows you how to apply the pearls/caviar/little thingies and a paper little bowl. First you have to apply two layers of the black basecoat, then hold the nail you want the pearls on over the little bowl and then apply the pearls. When you're finished you can easily put the leftover pearls back in the bottle by folding the little bowl. Sounds really strange I know, but it's really easy :) Picturesss :D

the little set



I really like the look of this! I made these pictures without any topcoat but I applied topcoat after taking the pictures. It still feels a little strange and gritty, but better than without the topcoat haha... I hope you like these pictures and enjoy the rest of your christmas :D

x Elize