May 1, 2012

Another kitty update!

Helloooooo everyone omg exciting news! We are getting TWO new kittens and saw them today, aaaaah :D

"oh my gawd! I haz a leg!"

"oh hai der! I iz adowable!"

"chillllllll, I got this."

in my sisters hands

the two cuties together. 

Aren't they just adoooooorable? The beige one will be my sister's and the brown one mine. I'm sorry about the crappy pics, they just kept moving around! I really hope everything goes well when they are ready to come home with us because I really don't know how Luna is going to react to these kitties. Any experiences? And how should we call these little babies?

x Elize


  1. Kittens!

    Keep an eye on them when you get them home so that Luna doesn't hurt them. Sometimes cats will react violently when you bring new cats into their territory. In my experience, the older ones usually adjust and get over it. Good luck though!

  2. awww hoe lief ! :D
    het kan dat luna kwaad reageert als ze de kleintjes ziet, dat had ik ook bij mijn tweede kat, maar mijn oudere kat wende er langzaamaan wel aan en nu zijn ze dikke vriendjes ^^


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